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    11 Hour - Applications: Coaching from a Christian Perspective

    Get a certificate by completing the program.
    Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


    11 Hr - Applications: Coaching from a Christian Perspective. This course addresses core competencies for BCC Coaches and GCDF career facilitators by focusing on approaches for individuals, businesses and organizations; diverse populations; career development approaches and techniques. Contact us at with questions. Learning is achieved by: (1) Reading chapters 8 - 18 in the required text Christian Coaching, Second Edition by Gary Collins, (2) video training, (3) an interactive discussion forum, and (4) an unlimited number of attempts to pass the online m/c exam with a score of 70% or better to facilitate learning and receive a certificate of completion. Upon completion, students should be able to: 1) Assess coaching goals, client strengths, and issues concerning the coaching process; 2) Facilitate and monitor client’s progress toward desired goals, decision making, and use of resources; 3) Understand organizational roles, the change process, mentoring, and conflict management related to the coaching process. To view or purchase the required text, Christian Coaching, Second Edition, visit This program is self-study, work at your own pace and provides coaches with a more in depth knowledge and tools to help clients understand and manage generational differences in the workplace. Students have unlimited attempts to complete the m/c exam with a score of 70%.

    You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app

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